The Persistent Pain and Solutions for Chronic Gastric Reflux Sufferers

Chronic Gastric Reflux: A Persistent Health Challenge

1. Chronic Gastric Reflux and Its Endless Pain

1.1. Severe Physical Health Impacts

For individuals suffering from chronic gastric reflux, the symptoms are clear and pronounced. Instead of occasional reflux episodes, they experience frequent bouts of burning sensations along the esophagus, extending to the throat, leading to a loss of appetite. Heartburn, acid regurgitation, bloating, and stomach distension become constant companions, making it hard to eat well and sleep peacefully. Persistent chest pains add to the discomfort, and the sensation of a lump in the throat makes swallowing difficult. Additionally, acid refluxing into the throat and larynx while lying down causes a sour and burning throat, leading to persistent dry coughs. Waking up at night and experiencing restless sleep creates a vicious cycle, affecting alertness and productivity during the day. These prolonged symptoms disrupt work and daily life, making individuals desperate for a quick solution to their condition.

The Persistent Pain and Solutions for Chronic Gastric Reflux Sufferers
Prolonged Reflux Symptoms Cause Fatigue

1.2. Mental Health Impacts

The physical discomfort caused by chronic gastric reflux often leads to frequent doctor visits and expensive treatments, resulting in fatigue and non-adherence to prescribed treatment plans. When symptoms subside, patients often revert to old habits, causing the condition to relapse. This situation induces anxiety and stress, which, combined with other life and work pressures, stimulates the body to release cortisol. This hormone increases HCl and pepsin levels, exacerbating gastric reflux. Cortisol also puts pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, reducing its function and allowing acid or food to reflux.

1.3. Loss of Confidence in Social Interactions and Daily Life

Bad breath and hoarseness caused by reflux make individuals reluctant to engage in social interactions, affecting their work and social relationships. Suppressing heartburn and acid regurgitation during conversations is inconvenient and makes it hard to maintain composure. Do not let this pain hold you back. While gastric reflux is a chronic and difficult-to-cure condition, adhering to treatment plans and applying appropriate solutions can help manage symptoms, improve quality of life, and reduce the risk of complications.

The Persistent Pain and Solutions for Chronic Gastric Reflux Sufferers
Gastric Reflux Causes Inconvenience in Communication

2. Solutions for Chronic Gastric Reflux

2.1. Medical Solutions

Adhering to medical treatment plans, combining medication with advanced treatments, is crucial for managing chronic conditions. For long-term sufferers, accurate diagnosis at reputable specialist centers is necessary to detect complications and provide appropriate medication or combined therapies. However, caution is needed regarding the safety of medications. Current treatments for reflux, such as acid suppression and neutralization, have side effects, including the risk of osteoporosis, increased risk of gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, and unsuitability for sensitive patients like pregnant or breastfeeding women, children, or the elderly with chronic conditions such as kidney disease or hypertension. Surgery is only an option for severe cases unresponsive to medical treatment, but many patients experience relapse post-surgery.

2.2. Dietary and Lifestyle Changes

This is the “cheapest and safest” solution but often overlooked. Good control of diet, habits, and exercise can improve reflux symptoms by 30-40%.

Scientific Diet:

  • Limit spicy, fatty, and fast foods: These can stimulate the stomach to produce more acid, increasing the risk of reflux.
  • Add more green vegetables and fruits: They provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, improving digestion.
  • Drink enough water: Water helps with metabolism, digestion, and reducing constipation, thus limiting reflux.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and stimulants: These can increase stomach acid, irritate the stomach lining, and worsen reflux.

Healthy Lifestyle:

  • Manage stress: Stress can affect digestion and increase reflux risk. Relaxation methods like yoga and meditation can help.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking is a major cause of gastric reflux.
  • Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep helps the body recover and strengthens the immune system.
  • Exercise regularly: Light exercises like walking and yoga can improve digestion and reduce stress.
  • Eat on schedule and in small portions: This reduces the digestive burden and limits reflux.

2.3. Solution from Marial Gel:

Marial Gel – A Breakthrough Solution for Gastric Reflux

Marial Gel, developed by Aurora Biofarma – Italy, has been the top product in Italy and other European markets, backed by 11 clinical studies published in international journals. Marial Gel offers a unique and breakthrough approach to treating reflux by addressing both the cause and the process of reflux:

  • Magnesium Alginate: Forms a “biological raft” with a strong, smooth, elastic structure that activates in all stomach pH environments, preventing acid reflux into the esophagus and quickly reducing symptoms within 5 minutes.
  • E-Gastryal Complex: Patented, containing Hyaluronic Acid, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Tara Gum, and Xanthan Gum, which increase surface contact, protect, heal, and restore the mucosa damaged by acid, pepsin, and bile.

Marial Gel provides quick relief and sustainable mucosal recovery, reducing the risk of severe complications and dependency on PPIs. Marial Gel is safe for sensitive groups like pregnant or breastfeeding women, children, and individuals with chronic conditions such as kidney disease or hypertension.

Marial Gel is trusted by leading experts and doctors in treating reflux and is available in many major hospitals, thousands of clinics, and FPT Long Chau pharmacy chains across the country.