Protect and prevent cardiovascular disease effectively with Ocean Plus – Advice from experts

In recent years, cardiovascular health has become a major concern, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. Cardiovascular diseases often progress silently, known as “silent killers”, directly affecting health and quality of life. Proactively protecting the heart early is a key solution to effectively prevent potential risks of cardiovascular disease.

To learn more about this issue, we had a conversation with Associate Professor, Dr. Trinh Bao Ngoc – Senior Lecturer at Hanoi Medical University – Director of the Institute of Nutrition Research and Development, to hear Valuable advice in protecting and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Doctor, what makes cardiovascular health a top priority in the health care of middle-aged and elderly people?

– As age increases, the body begins to age and face many health problems, of which cardiovascular disease is one of the most serious and common risks. The aging process leads to changes in the structure of the heart, causing blood vessels to gradually stiffen and lose elasticity, forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood. If this condition persists for a long time, the heart muscle will thicken, creating a premise for cardiovascular diseases in the elderly.

In addition, at this age, elderly people often reduce physical activity, while many underlying diseases such as diabetes, high blood fat, and hypertension also increase, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. .

Signs of cardiovascular disease often appear transient and unclear, causing patients not to notice until severe signs appear. Cardiovascular disease ranks first in the list of causes of death worldwide, surpassing cancer, both in developing and developed countries. In Vietnam, according to data from the Ministry of Health, each year about 200,000 people die from cardiovascular disease, accounting for 33% of total deaths.

Protect and prevent cardiovascular disease effectively with Ocean Plus - Advice from experts Associate Professor, Dr. Trinh Bao Ngoc’s sharing on protecting and preventing cardiovascular diseases

So, doctors, can you share some effective measures to protect heart health?

– To protect heart health, the first step is to maintain a balanced and scientific diet. Choosing foods rich in fiber such as green vegetables, fruits and whole grains, while limiting salty, processed foods and saturated fats will help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. . In particular, foods rich in omega-3 are also very useful in reducing bad cholesterol levels and stabilizing blood pressure.

– Along with diet, regular exercise is one of the simplest and most effective methods to maintain cardiovascular health. Gentle exercises such as walking, swimming or yoga not only improve blood circulation but also improve cardiovascular endurance.

– Finally, periodic health checks are indispensable. This helps detect cardiovascular problems early and take timely preventive measures. Always pay attention to blood pressure, blood fat and blood sugar indicators, because they directly affect cardiovascular health.

Omega 3 is considered an essential nutrient in protecting heart health. Doctor, can you explain more clearly the effects of Omega 3 on cardiovascular health?

– Omega 3 is a type of unsaturated fatty acid that is beneficial for health, but the body cannot synthesize it on its own and needs to be supplemented from outside. Omega 3 has many effects on the cardiovascular system:

● Control blood fat: Omega 3 helps increase good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL). Research shows that when combining statin drugs with Omega 3, LDL levels decrease by up to 25% and severe coronary events by up to 19% compared to the group using only statins.

● Prevent platelet aggregation: reduces the risk of blood clots, preventing myocardial infarction and stroke

● Anti-inflammatory: reduces inflammation, helps prevent atherosclerosis.

● Stabilizes heart rate, reduces the risk of sudden death due to cardiovascular problems. Many studies have shown that Omega 3 significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular death and improves overall cardiovascular health.

● Lower blood pressure: Omega 3 helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow, helping to reduce blood pressure in high blood pressure patients.

The American Heart Association recommends that adults should eat two meals of fatty fish per week (about 250mg/day), and people with cardiovascular problems should supplement Omega 3 about 1g/day.

Protect and prevent cardiovascular disease effectively with Ocean Plus - Advice from expertsProtect and prevent cardiovascular disease effectively with Ocean Plus

How do doctors rate the Orzax brand Ocean Plus?

– Ocean Plus is an outstanding product thanks to its high and exceptionally pure Omega 3 content.

Each Ocean Plus tablet provides up to 780mg of Omega 3, of which EPA is 384mg, DHA is 252mg. Omega 3 contained in Ocean Plus dietary supplement is extracted from deep sea fish, produced within 24 hours after catching with modern molecular distillation method, helping to ensure quality, absolute safety, and does not contain heavy metals. or toxic impurities. The product meets IFOS 5-star international standards, is certified for each batch, is transparent and announced globally for cleanliness and purity, users can be completely assured when using.

In particular, Ocean Plus is produced in triglyceride form, helping the body absorb Omega 3 better than other forms.

Protect and prevent cardiovascular disease effectively with Ocean Plus - Advice from expertsProtect and prevent cardiovascular disease effectively with Ocean Plus

Cardiovascular health not only affects longevity but also greatly impacts quality of life, especially in middle-aged and elderly people. Besides maintaining a healthy lifestyle, supplementing Omega 3 from quality products such as Ocean Plus is the optimal solution to help protect the heart and prevent dangerous diseases. By combining a reasonable diet, exercise and using products properly, middle-aged and elderly people can completely maintain a healthy heart and enjoy a meaningful life.
