Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Quang Duat: Breakthrough solution from Marial Gel helps escape the vicious cycle of gastric reflux in middle-aged people

Interview with Assoc.Prof.Dr.Nguyen Quang Duat – Former Head of Gastroenterology Department, 103 Military Hospital about the problem of gastroesophageal reflux in middle age and new treatment solutions…

Why has gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) become a serious problem for middle-aged and elderly people?

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Quang Duat: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a very worrying problem for middle-aged and elderly people. The main cause is the decline in body function as we age. The lower esophageal sphincter – which is responsible for preventing acid from the stomach from refluxing into the esophagus – is weakened, allowing acid to easily reflux and causing unpleasant symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain, or colds. sore throat, dry cough…

However, not only stopping at symptoms, reflux also seriously affects the quality of life of the elderly. When they have reflux, they often have insomnia and anxiety, because reflux symptoms are often worse at night. This leads to daytime fatigue, reducing overall health. Many patients even fall into a vicious circle: treatment is not complete, the disease continuously recurs, causing them more stress, and making the reflux condition even worse.

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Quang Duat: Breakthrough solution from Marial Gel helps escape the vicious cycle of gastric reflux in middle-aged people Gastroesophageal reflux in middle age affects quality of life

Can you share more about what elderly people often do to control gastric reflux, and why many people cannot completely treat the disease?

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Quang Duat: Elderly people are often aware of and adhere to their diet very well due to underlying diseases such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia or high blood pressure, so they also limit fatty foods. Hot spicy food or alcohol are harmful to your health. However, gastric reflux not only comes from diet, but also from age factors and medications to treat chronic diseases that older people often have to use long-term.

Many medications, especially nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), diabetes or high blood pressure medications, can damage the stomach lining, making reflux worse. Patients can use acid-reducing drugs or drugs that neutralize stomach acid, but these solutions often only temporarily resolve symptoms, not cure them completely. This makes many people feel tired and hopeless, because the disease persists and lasts for a long time without completely curing. Some patients buy their own medicine and take it incorrectly, so the disease becomes more and more severe.

Prolonged reflux not only causes discomfort but also negatively affects sleep and psychology. So, doctors, can you share more about these effects and how to help patients escape the vicious cycle?

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Quang Duat: When reflux occurs frequently, especially at night, patients not only face unpleasant symptoms but are also susceptible to prolonged insomnia. This leads to a chain of consequences: lack of sleep causes fatigue and mental depression, thereby reducing recovery and the ability to cope with illness. Elderly people inherently have weaker resistance, so prolonged anxiety over an illness that does not go away will make the illness more serious.

To escape this vicious cycle, it is important to have a comprehensive solution: both to quickly reduce symptoms and to provide long-term protection for the digestive system and esophagus.

Can you recommend the solution from Marial Gel? Why say this is a breakthrough solution?

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Quang Duat: Marial Gel is a solution from Italy, which has brought a breakthrough in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux, especially in the elderly. The dual action of Marial is remarkable, helping to solve the problem of reflux comprehensively.

Firstly, Marial works quickly, immediately reducing reflux symptoms after just 5 minutes of use. This is very important, because it helps patients quickly get rid of unpleasant feelings, helps them easily sleep well and reduce stress.

Second, Marial protects and restores damaged esophageal mucosa, helping to prevent negative effects from stomach acid in the long term. With natural, safe ingredients, Marial Gel creates a protective film on the mucosal surface, helping it restore itself and become healthier. This not only helps relieve symptoms immediately but also helps stabilize and prevent recurrence.

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Quang Duat: Breakthrough solution from Marial Gel helps escape the vicious cycle of gastric reflux in middle-aged people
Associate Professor, Doctor, Doctor of Merit Nguyen Quang Duat – Former Head of Department of Gastroenterology, 103 Hospital 

Do you have any advice for the elderly who are experiencing persistent, recurring gastric reflux?

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Quang Duat: The most important thing is not to ignore the initial symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux. If not treated properly, the disease can progress to more serious problems such as esophageal ulcers or esophageal cancer. For the elderly, overall health has declined, so proactively finding solutions is essential. Don’t let acid reflux reduce your quality of life!

Marial Gel is not only a quick symptom relief solution but also provides long-term protection for the digestive system. I encourage patients to consider using products like Marial Gel – it is both safe and effective, helping to prevent recurring reflux and promote peaceful sleep.

Thank you for your valuable sharing from Associate Professor!

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